
The Project


The Project

Media influence is one of the most powerful economic and cultural forces today. By deciding who gets to talk, what shapes the debate, who writes, and what is important enough to report, media shape our understanding of who we are and what we can be.
— Women´s Media Center, 2012


Who is missing in Media? is a communication for social change project aiming to contribute to Latinas empowerment in the U.S. society. The specific objectives are the following:

1. To contribute to amplify the voices of Latinas in and through the media, providing a non-stereotypical portrayal of the Latina reality and its diversity, including their contributions to society.

2. To provide journalists and media outlets with recommendations to include Latina voices in their stories avoiding information and images with a gender, ethnic and race bias.

Katherine Lazo during her interview. 

Katherine Lazo during her interview. 


Video-Interviews (on-going)

Video interviews are the core component of this project. In order to offer an accurate description of Latina diversity, this website will gather the opinions of Latinas from different backgrounds. Check out the Interviews Section to navigate through the interviewees’ profiles and the issues that arose through their testimonies.  Would you like to be interviewed?

Media Observatory (to be implemented)

Media content monitoring is an important instrument to discover biases in the way Latinas are portrayed in media. The monitoring process includes both, the thorough selection of media outlets, which will be part of the analysis and the implementation of a monitoring methodology. 

This activity is subject to further funding. Support this activity.

Multimedia Guidelines for Journalists (to be implemented)

The information and testimonies collected throughout the project´s implementation (Interviews and Media Observatory) will make the development of Multimedia Guidelines for Journalists (targeting Spanish and English-speaking media) possible. The aim is to support the inclusion of the diverse Latina voices in media and encourage practices that avoid gender, ethnic and racial bias in the production and dissemination of information about Latinas.

This activity is subject to further funding. Support this activity.