The project

25 million of women in the United States who identify as Hispanic or Latina, representing great potential both politically and economically but still there’s a lack of representation of Latinas diversity in the U.S. media.

As Teresa Correa points out, a generalized image of Latinas has pervaded the mass media. Latinas are represented overly hypersexualized as well as religious, conservative and family oriented. They have a Spanish accent and a homogeneous look: tan, dark hair and curvilinear. However, these generalizations differ with reality. Latinas are a heterogeneous ethnic and racial group with different levels of assimilation in the U.S. dissimilar cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, and diverse physical builds.

The inaccurate portrayal affects the way society views Latinas, putting a label about what they should do according to their identity, race and sex. Besides, stereotypes affect Latina women and girls as individuals, shaping their self-expectations.

This project aims to research on the Latinas depiction in media, conducting interviews to Hispanic women and adolescent from different backgrounds and ages, questioning them about their identity, the issues they’re facing and the widespread portrayal in media.

The goal is to provide with an accurate picture of Latinas diversity, amplifying their voices and opinions regarding to critical issues affecting them and the entire U.S. society.

Cursus Venenatis

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat.


Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh.

Sem Vulputate

Consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec sed odio dui. Maecenas faucibus mollis.